Barb Pallotta for Oakland County Clerk

“Puts People Before Politics”

Puts People Before Politics

Barb is not a politician by nature and recognizes that the role of the Clerk should be the LEAST political position on the ballot.


Barb attributes her success to her reputation earned by 25+ years of serving in Clerk’s offices across Oakland County.


> 2013 Clerk of the Year from MI Assoc of Municipal Clerks
> 2015 Heart of a Champion from the MI Library Assoc.


Barb’s reputation is her strength
and the law is always her guide regardless of any pressure to act otherwise.

Experienced – Professional – Authentic

Barb Pallotta

Barb ✓’s ALL the boxes and is the QUALIFIED candidate to lead as the next Oakland County Clerk, Register of Deeds on DAY ONE!

Hands on experience serving as the Chief Election Official at a local level for all local, school, state and federal elections.

✓ Hands on experience with the Qualified Voter File (QVF), Electronic Poll Book, post election audits, current voting equipment, the preparation of election training materials and related implementation of procedures at the precincts and the absent voter counting board.

Barb customized the layout of each precinct within her jurisdiction based on the constraints and uniqueness of each location to ensure that the precinct and election process was accessible to every voter.

✓ Reduced and relocated precincts from school locations to churches to provide a safer and more functional environment to better serve voters that also resulted in a cost savings measure.

✓ Repositioned precinct boundaries to comply with redistricting mandates.

✓ Served as the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Coordinator at a local level.

✓ Served on statutorily required boards, as well as multiple professional and community boards and committees.

✓ Appointed to serve on Oakland County’s Board of Canvassers.

✓ Custodian of vital records (birth, death, cemetery) as well as identifying the preservation and/or destruction of records in accordance with Michigan’s Record Retention Schedule.

✓ Hands on experience in the preparation and implementation from paper to electronic versions of agendas, meeting packets and minutes.

✓ Served as Chief Financial Officer in accordance with Michigan’s Charter Township Act.

Have a question for Barb?  Want to know more?  Email us today or click here.

Experienced – Professional – Authentic

Tales from the Campaign Trail

LOOK here for the latest Tales chronicling Barb’s Campaign for Oakland County Clerk